Pengertian BUMN & BUMD : Ciri - ciri, Peranan, Kelebihan, Keurangan dan Bentuk bentuk Pengertian BUMN Badan Usaha Milik Negara adalah badan usaha yang sebagian atau seluruh kepemilikannya dimiliki oleh Negara Republik Indonesia. BUMN dapat pula berupa perusahaan nirlaba yang bertujuan untuk menyediakan barang atau jasa bagi masyarakat. Peran BUMN Menyediakan lapangan pekerjaan bagi masyarakat sehingga mengurangi jumlah pengangguran. Memberikan pengarahan serta bantuan untuk para pengusaha golongan ekonomi lemah, baik itu untuk koperasi maupun UKM. Memberikan sumbangan untuk mempercepat pertumbuhan ekonomi secara nasional. Menjadi perintis usaha yang belum dilaksanakan oleh koperasi dan pihak swasta, seperti menyediakan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan barang dan jasa yang bermutu serta memadai. Pemerintah dapat melayani masyarakat secara maksimal dengan adanya BUMN. Menjadi sumber pendapatan negar...
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020
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Batu Menangis Happy Ending Once upon a time there was a little girl anda poor widow in a village that was in Borneo. The child of this poor widow was beautiful, but she was morally and spiritually impoverished. Once, the mother took the girl to the village to shop. Along the way many people asked the child who was the one walking behind him. At first, the child answered that the mother was an accomplice. The second answer he said was that his mother was his slave. The child does this kind of thing over and over. So when people ask him about his mother, he always says no exactly. As time went by, the mother could not bear the response of the child to anyone who asked. The mother then prays that her child will turn into a filial one. But unexpectedly the child had dreamed that the mother had died and left a message saying that the child should be able to respect the older person, alwa...